Thank You For Shopping

Next time you go to the grocery store, get down on your knees in one of the aisles and thank God. Don’t worry about missing church. You’ll find the Great Green Grocer somewhere between House Wares and Frozen Foods. Thank Him. Yes, life up your hands in praise for the selection and forty-five kinds of…

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My first act of rebellion is my love for You, Almighty God. I hereby declare my love for You against the world and all evidence to the contrary. There’s plenty. Its overwhelming, but I say nuts to all that and say again I love You. Let them wonder. The only question now remains, How shall…

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What I do I do for love. There has never been enough money. Often no money. Often there is risk. Often the perceived goal is so elusive, so at odds with the norm. I have no supervisor of my way but God who bids me on. I follow Him. He is invisible, but footsteps in…

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Second Tango

Tangos are danced in threes. The first an introduction. The second an unspoken vocabulary. Shall we? ♥ Tango One Hundred Twenty Five Once I saw you I could not forget. Love is eternal, created in a moment as life itself and living over time, but unlike life of flesh and blood, this life is spirit and…

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Turkey In The Straw

I heard the good humor truck today, the calliope of what it means to be happy. To be free, to be waiting with your nickel, even if it takes two bucks in this inflated world and buy an ice cream cone. Oh bliss, oh joy divine. Let theology go to hell and nations fall, come…

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Angel Unaware

You flew up there, day upon day, serving near to heaven. Now you serve down here, upon this earthly plain. Either way, you serve, remembering perhaps stars so near above and lights so far below like stars and like those who saw you pass, I too see a pair of wings. #

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Meteoric – 7

Light given by fleeting moments gives excitement, yet there is illumination which thrills because it lasts. Allow me to reflect on two and pardon the allusion: the beauty of your soul and my love for you. #

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They told me never to stick my finger in a light socket. They warned me about invisible forces capable of doing me great harm. Then I saw you and the light went on. I got this idea. I stuck my finger in the socket and you turned me on. #

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One Hundred Roses

One Hundred Roses

Ninety-Seventh Rose Yes, my arms have held her. Yes, my eyes have lingered on her form. Yes, my thoughts have spiraled up and down the length and yes, the shapeliness of her. Yes, I forsook every other blossom and chose the rose.   Ninety-Eighth Rose   Will you marry me? Someday when we are old and no…

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100 Tangos

One Hundred One Tangos

Tango Ninety-Eight   Do not deny me. I am not the man standing before you. I am the spirit within yourself, the elegant, insistent, utter devotion to your pulse. Fast or slow, in or toward the stars. I am your self made whole. Tango Ninety-Nine Remain soft. Many men want to dance with you. Many…

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