The King of Wisconsin

Winter is the king of Wisconsin. Winter is owner of all the land and all the people, a grim, solemn magistrate with moments of mercy and warmth in modest portion, but majestic and terrible in power and authority. Trees drop their leaves in annual submission, paying tax for their lives, offering all the bright color…

The Nearest Star

The National Debt now stands at $34 trillion dollars. It is 93 million miles to the sun. The nearest star otherwise is Proxima Centauri, 4.24 light years away. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second or 5.88 trillion miles per year. If dollars were miles and the United States were in debt one…

Setting Back The Clocks

I don’t want to do it. I weary of man made holographs. Images that aren’t really there. Like the past. Screw it. A parlor game. An interesting talking point, but nothing worth going back to live again and even if I could the message remains the same. The new time out ahead is far more…


A handful she picked off the ground. Burnished autumn crinkly and brown. “Leaves,” she cried ecstatically. “Look, leaves,” to her mother. Her father. Any one who’d care. She wanted the world to care, she cared so much. “Leaves,” as though she knew all about gold. I know about everything and I don’t care. All I…

Terminal Velocity

If I had only known how long it would take to fall in love with you I would not have waited. I would have fallen straight away and fallen thrillingly without wanting to open the chute yet knowing if I did not it would all come to a sudden end. So I declare to you…


If I were a prisoner in a cell for crimes I committed or innocent of all charges and if the keys to the door were there inside with me on my side of the bars and if I did not take them and open the door and walk free I would be the worst prisoner.…

Rachmaninoff Opus 2

The time has come for new beginnings. Being born again is a daily endeavor, a daily emergence. Then upon occasion the blessed event is far more than it might otherwise be intended or expected to be. Another beginning hoves into view. It might be an iceberg or open water. It might be a harbor or…

My Dogs

I want to tell you about my dogs. The first one I named Colleen, because I wanted a dog and I wanted a name I could yell out across the fields on a farm where I lived. Colleen sounds good when you give it all you’ve got and the sound goes out and over those…