All poets are blind
or should be,
blind to the world
they see, yet given sight
to see what is invisible.
All poets should stumble
through other people’s
lives, all the obstacles
of a sighted world
or what passes for sight.
All poets should write
about what they cannot
prove because no one else
can see what they see
and no one believes
what they are told.
All poets should be blind
to momentary monetary
gain and accolade
and just know what
they know is real
and what they are told
is folly, because
of course, no one else
can see it.
All poets should be blind
and take their stick
and use it like a rapier
in defense of dignity,
honor, glory and truth
and only tap the ground
for emphasis, not
All poets should be blind
and cross the street
to the other side
fearlessly as though
it were a cliff.
All poets should be blind.