I think it is important to go home a winner.

I think it is important to allow no dream to die, else it is no dream worth dreaming.

If a dream dies, it is mortal and no dream should be made of such rotten stuff.

We live in a world of change, but what makes this world so fine is what we find of value. When we find the gold, the diamonds, the emeralds, the rubies of existence, the buried treasure of truth and honesty and virtue, we have found what we sought and knew somehow within existed all along. We know. We believe. We trust and after long search or simple discovery, we find and marvel at what lies before us. There it is. We have found what we knew and needed to know existed all along.

So when a loving father strolls along with his child on his shoulders or comfortably before him in the pram or delightfully touring along behind him in the wagon he gently pulls, we have found the reason to believe. The mother with her baby slung across her breasts in a sling made of soft fabric, we see the epic poem. The dog allowed to sniff a tree where other dogs have been without a terrible tug on the leash to come along and not waste time, the cat lounging on a lap going nowhere and purring forever it seems, we open the lid of treasure.

Food steaming on a plate, served quietly at the end of a long day and the desert made with care and love and sugar, the wine poured gracefully into a glass, twinkling in lights none too bright across a table complete with flowers from the garden, the sound of stirring from the stove where that which is prepared will soon be served, what a feast in fact before a single bite. All this and more makes life a miracle.

When we feel it is not, when life or perhaps more exactly death takes us by the throat and grips our mind and wants to invite us to a coffin in which there is no light or effort, we should we must revolt. We must fight we must say to the encroaching darkness, Go straight to hell. As for me, Not here not yet and return at once to the appreciation of all we have been given now or in all the life that brought us here to relish and revel and indulge in what is most beautiful.

Simple things. Complicated mysteries. Exhaustion born of good work and best intentions.

Then and only then are we permitted with honor to quit the field.

I think it is important to go home a winner.
