Red Head

There she sits, the wayward recessive one, burning the combustibles at both ends, her flaming red hair atop the cigarette she smokes on break, blowing away the risk of emphysema or worse, taking all the chances she can take in ten minutes before or after lunch. What the hell? Who’s going to stop her? More…

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Half Full

If I could not sleep because I worry all I have not done remains undone and all I might is mightier than I, then getting out of bed becomes a challenge and I admittedly half heartedly try, one foot before the other inevitably leads outside to fetch the paper, other people’s pulp and fortune delivered…

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Stuck Up

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there. Did you want that next breath I took? Here, let me put it back so you can have it. Not that you depend on me for anything or ever will or ever want to, but it’s the least I can do and as for me not…

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There are buds upon the trees and I am alive to see them. Men boast of weapons and gods in which they believe, all weapons of one sort or another against the enemies they perceive, but all of them are useless. There are buds upon the trees and I am alive to see them. ♥

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Lesson Plan

“Good Morning, Class. Today we’re going to study a variety of subjects.   I want you to open your Text books and turn to Page One. We’ll begin with Social Studies, then continue with Language Skills, Mathematics and Science.   There’ll be time for Recreation, but today we’ll learn about the Great Men and Women…

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Radio Flyer

What has happened here? I see two men assembling a child’s red wagon on the floor of an office building. The wagon will be used for advertising purposes. The office is for insurance purchases. You pay money now to keep from paying more money later, but you hope never to pay any money. It’s a…

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Circus Days

I want to run away and join the circus. In this the teenage of my growing older I want those who expect to wake up and find me sleeping in the same bed to find me gone. The note will read, “Gone for a Clown,” or “Gone for a Lion Tamer,” but “Gone for Good”…

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Valentine’s Day

Yesterday a child with a gun, a troubled child with a gun in a society which allows troubled children with guns to enter a school and begin to kill, killed and killed and killed and killed and wounded and maimed and terrified and ran away because he’d had enough killing for a time and when…

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What is this place so quiet and serene, this lovely out of doors within myself, where no one interrupts and all is delicate as a film of iridescent color? You are there, not far, but near and were I to awake as now you are my very soul. ♥

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If I fail at my job, I expect to be fired. If I belligerently refuse to do my job, I expect to be fired. If I willfully neglect my job, I expect to be fired. If I consistently put private or personal interest before my job, I expect to be fired. If legislators refuse to put…

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