I learned to row a long time

ago, in a boat with my name

on the bow, given

to me by my grandfather

who built it with his hands,

the hands I inherited.

The boat is gone,

but I learned to row a long time ago.


Slow and steady, all day long,

all night if you dare,

if you see the lights and

steer by grace freely given,

the long reach, the deep

bite, the pull back toward

forgiveness and you reach

out as far as you can and

pull again.


Over and over it goes.

You face away from where

you’re headed, but

you get there all the same.


I learned to row a long time ago.

My grandfather long gone

with all the guts he gave me

through my Dad said it best,

“Row for your life.”


Row to heaven or go to hell,

I learned to row a long time ago.