
I dreamed and in my dream I saw a face blank stare back at me. A screen. Ringed and wreathed with hideous coils of wire writhing innumerable, interconnected, spitting images, serpentine and woven inextricably of chaos wound upon itself and me wound with it, until curiosity became my doom and I turned to stone. ƒ


Today, oh hell yes I walked the dog. I hate to call her a dog. She’s a spirit. Born pedigreed and cast into a chamber of horrors. Starved and flogged and neglected, terrorized by drunken gun shooters and thieving scoundrels until rescued days from death and now here with me, the perfect companion, hesitant as…


At age 15 they say the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus.   At age 15 they say Juliet fell in love with Romeo.   At age 15 they say my great grandmother immigrated to the United States from Poland.   At age 15 they say a girl took a gun to her Christian school…


My grandather tried to teach me how to tie a bowline. It’s a knot. I couldn’t do it. My father taught me to tie my shoes on the very first try. Bragged about it. Told my Mom. “On the very first try.” Couldn’t get over it. But Gramps gave up. Stood there with his Pall…

Tough Love

My father once said, “I don’t care if you love me, as long as you respect me.” My father once said, “If you go to war I’ll pray for your death.” My father once cursed me, in response to my answer to his question, “Why do you think I spent all that money on you?”…


Today I felt so verklempt. You know the feeling. Even if you’re not Scandinavian. I got an idea. I attached a set of rabbit ear antennas to my manual typewriter, just behind the platen where it wouldn’t interfere with the keys and by golly. What a difference it makes. I’ve got another idea.   ƒ

Monster Tow

Here’s what I want you to understand. Let’s see if I can make it clear.   On a busy thoroughfare headed downhill the wrong way in traffic a city dump truck, one of the big ones, broke down.   Loaded with dirt and brush, equipped with a hydraulic boom and a claw big enough to…

Sinful Prayer

Let me cross the line. The one you drew for me out there somewhere. Way up ahead. Not the one you drew for others. Not their limits or their exploits. The one true line made for me with my name on it. Let me hit it running and run beyond way beyond a winner. ƒ


Today just a few moments ago I sat outside listening to the birds singing outside the way they do when summer is promised and spring is here and winter is gone. They sang together. Him and Her. Them together. Back and forth in ecstasy of their sort in the trees up high and I listened.…