Wheels Within Wheels

Before I get started on all this I want to offer a few lines to those I’ve loved and those who may read these words. I have four wagon wheels to begin the work of rebuilding an old wooden wagon, completely ruined and gone to wreck in the back yard of this house. It is…

Thank You For Shopping

Next time you go to the grocery store, get down on your knees in one of the aisles and thank God. Don’t worry about missing church. You’ll find the Great Green Grocer somewhere between House Wares and Frozen Foods. Thank Him. Yes, life up your hands in praise for the selection and forty-five kinds of…


My first act of rebellion is my love for You, Almighty God. I hereby declare my love for You against the world and all evidence to the contrary. There’s plenty. Its overwhelming, but I say nuts to all that and say again I love You. Let them wonder. The only question now remains, How shall…